How does a pillar 3a with ETFs differ from other products?

The pillar 3a at VZ differs from other pillar 3a solutions thanks to the tangible benefits it offers: 

  • Flexible investment strategy: you can choose from six investment strategies with an equity weighting of between 15 and 97 percent
  • Up to 60 percent more cost-effective: the management fees amount to 0.68 percent per year, which makes them significantly lower than at other providers
  • Independent selection: VZ does not sell its own financial products and does not earn any money from brokerage commissions
  • Automatic rebalancing: when prices fluctuate significantly, the composition of the securities account can deviate significantly from the defined investment strategy. If the current weighting deviates too sharply, the asset classes are rebalanced in line with the strategy free of charge at the end of the month. This rebalancing can have a positive impact on returns.
  • Holding ETFs beyond retirement: the pillar 3a at VZ allows investors to transfer the ETFs into their private securities account on retirement. This reduces the risk of having to sell the investments at a time when prices are low.

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