VZ Visa Classic

With the VZ Visa Classic credit card, you can conveniently and easily make cashless payments. You are welcome in over 30 million shops, restaurants, hotels and filling stations and can withdraw cash in the local currency from almost all ATMs.

  • Additional/partner cards: depending on your needs, you can choose from a Visa Classic card or Visa Gold card. You can also get a partner card for a close friend or relative at a low cost, which allows them to benefit from the advantages of the VZ Visa Classic credit card.
  • Security: with its integrated chip, the VZ Visa Classic credit card meets all the latest security standards.
  • Travel and flight/accident insurance: when travelling by public transport, you are automatically insured free of charge. The insurance cover is valid when you pay for at least 80% of your journey using your VZ Visa Classic credit card.

Factsheet VZ Visa Classic (PDF)

In the event of loss or theft, you can call the TopCard Customer Service Centre. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You only pay the local telephone charges.


Free-of-charge first consultation

Talk to one of the experts at VZ. The first consultation is free-of-charge.