Banking solutions

All services and products from a single source

At VZ Depository Bank, you can carry out all your essential banking transactions. You benefit from low-cost cards and can use the free-of-charge payment transactions and the digital services in the VZ Finance Portal. VZ Depository is a real alternative to your house bank: choose the fee model that suits your type of investments and trade in securities at particularly favourable rates. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, VZ Depository Bank does not issue its own financial products and does not earn money from brokering.

Accounts: the right account for your banking transactions

VZ Depository Bank has the right account for your banking transactions. Transfers, investments, savings –you get everything from a single source and for less money than at other providers. If you wish to change your bank, our "moving service" would be happy to help.


Free-of-charge first consultation

Talk to one of the experts at VZ. The first consultation is free-of-charge.

Payment transactions: process all your payments quickly and at a low cost

The private account at VZ does not charge any fees and you can process all payments free of charge. You can withdraw amounts of up to 100,000 francs without giving notice within 31 days; for higher amounts, two months’ notice must be given. And thanks to eBill, you can receive and pay all your bills paperless.


VZ Financial Portal

VZ customers use their favourite banking services online.


Free-of-charge first consultation

Talk to one of the experts at VZ. The first consultation is free-of-charge.

Cards: the right card for your payments

As a customer of VZ Depository Bank, you can carry out card transactions at a low cost. You can order the VZ Debit Mastercard directly here.


Free-of-charge first consultation

Talk to one of the experts at VZ. The first consultation is free-of-charge.

Securities Custody Account: invest money safely and cost-effectively

Anyone wishing to trade on the stock exchange at fair conditions should maintain their securities account at VZ. Open a custody account now.

Customers can easily buy and sell securities, securely and at attractive conditions, as the transaction and securities account fees at VZ Depository Bank are significantly lower than at other providers. And even if you want to manage your securities account yourself, all retrocessions will be reimbursed to you.

More information


VZ Financial Portal

VZ customers use their favourite banking services online.